In 2019 we begin a collective process of liberation and transformation. We planted Ceiba seeds in our hearts during the first edition of TFM in the jungle of Tulum. Since then, more than 5 Tantra Festivals have flourished in different countries of Latin America, our workshop assistants are now moving into facilitating roles, first time attendees are now experienced practitioners in the field...

Tantra Festival Mexico was founded in 2019 by Gisella Rouge. It is the first-ever Sacred Sexuality and Tantra Festival in all of Latin America.
TFM is a small transformational festival with spiritual retreat quality, carefully curated as a complete experience. With educative, healing, and nurturing activities designed to touch deeply at the core of our lives to help us live as embodied powerful beings.
TFM has welcomed people from all over the world of different backgrounds, cultures, and orientations, ages between 21 and 79 years old. It is an International festival and all activities are offered in English. We offer a Facilitator/Participant approach, rather than a Business/Customer approach.
In 2022 we welcomed "TFM - La inmersión" a fully Spanish Speaking program that offers a deeper Tantric immersion focused on Latin American culture.
Our aim is to attract people looking for a change, longing for love, needing to heal, ready to be a better version of themselves and showing up for their communities.
Our compromise is to provide a safe space that fosters nurturing, intimacy and connection. Where participants can feel free to be themselves and shine without judgment in an inclusive environment. Exploring our spirituality, sexuality and self to inspire a deeper transformation.
Our mission is to contribute to the rise of consciousness and transformation of humanity. To support the healing of our collective wounding. To promote sexual liberation across all Latin America. To educate people on consent, boundaries, respect, sexual diversity, and spirituality. To help people embrace sexual freedom while growing our tantric community in Latin America.
Our vision is to fund an ONG to reach out to the most vulnerable communities with sexual education, information and healing. For this, we also have a long-term mission of building a holistic center and helping to create proper sex-ed programs for all Latin America.

We strongly believe that in order to restore our humanness, we need to heal our collective wounding and own back our power.
Mexico and all of Latin America have a long history of repression that has wounded our collective sexuality deeply. Ancient cultures were devastated by the catholic church, traditions and customs were suffocated and replaced with guilt and shame, the wisdom of our ancestors was buried, the power of our culture was taken to the shade. On top of that, the lack of proper sex education and consent makes a terrible combination of gender, domestic and sexual violence.
We believe we are ready to be free from toxic religions, from imposed cultural shame, free of gender violence. We are ready to live and love, without fear, judgment, or guilt. We are ready to love ourselves and own back our power.

Throughout our worldwide history, we have seen and learned over and over again the abuse of power that has led to rape culture. But this is not about bad apples. This is about a rotten and retrograde system that is insufficient to grow healthy sexual humans.
In our capitalistic society, sex has been advertised as something that you can purchase. What’s even sadder is that kids today, the same ones with easy access to porn and all the other warped, degrading messages about sex available on the Internet, are getting less sex education than previous generations!
So while it’s beyond time to expose predatory people in power and talk about sexual harassment and assault policies in every institution, our work isn’t done there. This is also about addressing broader brokenness in society. It’s about admitting that we raise girls to feel like their sole purpose is to entertain a man and their own pleasure or preference is irrelevant. It’s about admitting that we raise boys to see sex as something they are entitled to, as something transactional, as something that men seek out naturally. And it’s about the continued attempt to control women’s bodies, particularly their sexuality.

Sexuality, being the primordial energy that brings life, has been underestimated and left behind.
Sexuality does not only has the capability to bring life but it also holds ALL your personal power, meaning it is your sexual energy that defines who you are and helps you develop your relationships.
It is that very same energy that gives you the strength to follow your dreams. Yes, people who have a healthy sexual life ARE successful people.