The TFM container is created to safely hold space for the participants' journey. We understand the importance of the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual well-being of all our participants. We also understand that people newly entering their Tantric paths are not so aware of the consequences that certain unconscious practices and facilitators could have on them, therefore we consider the participants' need to be protected.
We work hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved by having clear set agreements and guidelines on consent, power dynamics and boundaries, with facilitators, participants, healers and all TFM team members.
We acknowledge the importance of setting and maintaining agreed boundaries. At the beginning of the festival and prior, we set general boundaries and guidelines to make it clear and safe for everyone. Our container contemplates workshops and talks about consent and emotional release. Our container also contemplates free time to integrate and emotional support as needed.
During the sessions, there could be activities that include nudity or intimate touch, however, you are always encouraged to honor your boundaries and respect yourself. There could also be activities that are in couples, but you are not required to be an intimate couple, just willing to partner up with one another during the activity or workshop. The details about boundaries and consent are communicated by the facilitator at the beginning of each Tantric session.
We recognize the importance of consent and choice in all professional interactions. Our facilitators, healers and emotional support agree not to have any form of sexual contact with participants and assistants during and outside sessions, this excludes previous lovers who may come to the festival as participants and colleagues.
We are humans who celebrate sex in a positive way, so when a new attraction does occur between a team member and a participant, we agree to discuss the attraction at the team meetings to ensure no power dynamics are in place and to make sure the participant is safe.

Festival Guidelines
As a responsible adult, I declare that I have read all the information about the festival and I decided for myself to come to the festival knowing what to expect.
I agree to respect myself and others and to be responsible for my acts, my decisions, my emotions and my boundaries.
I agree to ask for consent and respect everyone's boundaries in my interactions during the festival.
I agree to follow instructions from facilitators and the TFM team to ensure the safety and easy flow of the festival and container.
I agree to use my voice to request help if I need it and to tell a team member if something is bothering me.
I understand that I am not allowed to take any kind of drugs or alcohol during the Festival. There will be a designated area for smokers, that's the only place where smoking is allowed.
I understand that facilitators, healers, emotional supporters and the TFM production team agree not to have any form of sexual interactions with participants and assistants during the whole event, this excludes previous lovers who may come to the festival as participants or assistants.
I'm aware that explicit sexual interactions are not allowed in public spaces, including the workshop halls.
I agree to not take any pictures or videos of people without consent. The use of cell phones, cameras and recorders is not allowed during ALL the activities of the festival.
I am aware that there will be pictures taken by TFM Team that could be used for promotion and posted on social media and the site, and I'm aware that I can request to be out of the pictures taken.
I understand that I can share my personal experience, respecting and not disclosing any individual’s identities or their stories. I also understand that I should be discreet in sharing information with locals about the activities and nature of the event.
I agree to not sell anything without an agreement made before the festival starts.
I am aware that the TFM team can eject any person from a session or the festival entirely based on behavior deemed inappropriate.
I understand that the program, teachers, musicians and healers invited are subject to change at any time without prior notice due to external circumstances beyond the organization's control.
I remove any responsibility from the organization for any physical or emotional incident that could occur to me during the Festival.